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3 Ways to Encourage Open Ended Play

3 Ways to Encourage Open Ended Play

What is Open Ended Play?

Open ended play is a form of play that has no set outcome, rules or limitations. Children engage their imagination and creativity to allow the play to go in any direction their own world takes them. 

What are the Benefits of Open Ended Play?

Whether it’s building forts out of foam blocks, playing the floor is lava or creating a foam block obstacle course; open ended play empowers children to problem solve, understand and explore different emotions and develop patience while they work through their game.

How Can Foam Climbers be Used in Open Ended Play?

Our foam climbers have been designed with open ended play in mind. The movable Velcro strips on the bottom of the play sets allow the foam pieces to easily be arranged into any configuration or obstacle course while still holding the foam pieces together.

Foam climbers, building blocks and ball pits to name a few are great playroom staples to provide  opportunities for your little one to let their imagination and problem solving guide their play.

In addition to promoting cognitive development, open-ended play also supports physical development in young children. Gross motor skills are developed as children run, jump, and climb during play. Each time they use their bodies in new ways, they develop strength, coordination, and balance.

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